Все официальные темы windows из сайта Microsoft [26.07.2015 / MULTi / RUS]
![Все официальные темы windows из сайта Microsoft [26.07.2015 / MULTi / RUS]](/uploads/posts/2015-11/thumbs/1446474011_8764dd459c48.jpg)
![Все официальные темы windows из сайта Microsoft [26.07.2015 / MULTi / RUS]](/uploads/posts/2015-11/1446474011_8764dd459c48.jpg)
Версия программы: 26.07.2015
Официальный сайт: ссылка
Язык интерфейса: Русский, Английский, и другие
Лечение: не требуется
Размер: 4,52 GB
Системные требования:
Операционная система: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
Все официальные темы Windows сайта Microsoft по состоянию на 27.07.2015
Количество тем может отличаться в Windows 7, Windows 8 и выше.
1.Папку themes скопировать в компьютер по пути C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows
2.Папку MCT скопировать в компьютер по пути C:\Windows\Globalization
2.Папку MCT скопировать в компьютер по пути C:\Windows\Globalization
1. 2010 Sams
2. A Book of
3. Abstracts
4. Abstracts (2)
5. African W
6. Age Of Em
7. Akrapovic
8. Akrapovic (2)
9. Alan Wake
10. Alaskan L
11. Ancient E
12. Angry Bir
13. Animal Af
14. Antarctic
15. Aqua.theme
16. Arctic
17. Asus & In
18. ASUS & In (2)
19. AU.theme
20. Auckland'
21. Aurora Bo
22. Austin Bo
23. Australia
24. Australia (2)
25. Australia (3)
26. Autumn Bo
27. Autumn Co
28. Avatar
29. Beach Sun
30. Beautiful
31. Beautiful (2)
32. Beautiful (3)
33. Beauty of
34. Beauty of (2)
35. Beauty of (3)
36. Beauty of (4)
37. Bees by M
38. Best of B
39. Best of B (2)
40. Best of B (3)
41. Best of B (4)
42. Best of B (5)
43. Bing Eart
44. Bing Maps
45. Bing Maps (2)
46. Bing China Dragon Year
47. Bing's Be
48. Bing's Be (2)
49. Bing's Be (3)
50. BingAerial.theme
51. BingAerialEurope.theme
52. BingDynamic1.theme
53. Blue Wate
54. Botanical
55. Brazil
56. Bubbles
57. Bullet As
58. Butterfli
59. Butterfli (2)
60. Butterfli (3)
61. CA.theme
62. Calligrap
63. Canada
64. Candlelig
65. Captain A
66. Caribbean
67. Castles o
68. CatsAnytime
69. CatsEverywhere
70. Cheng Lin
71. Cheng Lin (2)
72. ChickensC
73. China
74. Chinese Z
75. Chocolate
76. City Ligh
77. Classic A
78. Classic M
79. Classic S
80. Clouds
81. cmd.exe
82. Coastal G
83. Coastal P
84. Cobblesto
85. Color Spl
86. Colors of
87. Community
88. Community (10)
89. Community (11)
90. Community (12)
91. Community (13)
92. Community (14)
93. Community (15)
94. Community (16)
95. Community (17)
96. Community (18)
97. Community (19)
98. Community (2)
99. Community (20)
100. Community (21)
101. Community (22)
102. Community (23)
103. Community (24)
104. Community (3)
105. Community (4)
106. Community (5)
107. Community (6)
108. Community (7)
109. Community (8)
110. Community (9)
111. Cougar Mo
112. Creepy Co
113. Danube Su
114. Dark Skie
115. Decking t
116. Decorated
117. Decoratin
118. Delectabl
119. Diffusion
120. Dima Bila
121. Disney In
122. DogsInSummer
123. DogsInWinter
124. Dolphins
125. Dragonfli
126. Dreamgard
127. Ducati
128. Ducati 2
129. Ducklings
130. Dusk & Da
131. Dusk & Da (2)
133. Echoes of
134. Eerie Aut
135. Escape by
136. EverydayArt.theme
137. Exploring
138. Fable Ann
139. Fantastic
140. Fauna.theme
141. Feather P
142. Ferrari
143. Fire by M
144. Fireworks
145. Fischland
146. Fish
147. Flora.theme
148. Floral Ge
149. Flowers &
150. Footpaths
151. Forests
152. Forza Mot
153. Foxes
154. Fractal A
155. France
156. French Ri
157. Fresh Fru
158. Frost Mac
159. Frozen Fo
160. Fruit Nin
161. Fun Fruit
162. Furry Fam
163. Futuristi
164. Galapagos
165. Garden Gl
166. Garden Gl (2)
167. Garden Gl (3)
168. Garden Gl (4)
169. Garden Li
170. Garden Li (2)
171. Garden Li (3)
172. Garden Ma
173. Garden Se
174. GB.theme
175. Gears
176. Gears 2
177. Gears 3
178. Gears 3 d
179. Gears 3 Delta
180. Gears 3 Launch
181. German La
182. German La (2)
183. German Su
184. Germany
185. Ghost Tow
186. Girls Roc
187. Giving He
188. Glowing B
189. Green Wor
190. Greg Stra
191. Grow by A
192. GTGraphic
193. GTGraphic (2)
194. GTGraphic (3)
195. Halo 4 He
196. Halo Reac
197. Halo Reac (2)
198. Happiness
199. Harry Pot
200. Harvest T
201. Hawaii
202. Holiday L
203. Hong Kong
204. Hopes and
205. Horses
206. Hot Air B
207. Hummingbi
208. Ice Castl
209. Iceland
210. Icewater
211. Illusions
212. India
213. Indian Ga
214. Indian Wi
215. Infiniti
216. Insects.theme
217. Ireland
218. Isle of M
219. Italy
220. Jack Reac
221. Japan
222. Jellyfish
223. Justin Bi
224. Kim Hana
225. Kinect Di
226. Kinect Ru
227. Korea
228. Kung Fu P
229. Lake Ohri
230. Large and
231. Large Bir
232. Latvian L
233. Latvian N
234. LIFE
235. Life in L
236. Light and
237. Light and (2)
238. Light Pai
239. Lighthous
240. Lightning
241. Liquid Je
242. Liquid Je (2)
243. list.txt
244. London Ar
245. Lovebirds
246. Lovely Tu
247. Lugares C
248. Mabinogi
249. Macro Wor
250. Maddalena
251. Magic Lan
252. Magic Lan (2)
253. MapleStor
254. Marbles
255. Masquerad
257. Mexico
258. Microsoft
259. Microsoft (2)
260. Mission I
261. Misty Mor
262. Moments C
263. Monochrom
264. Monochrom (2)
265. Monochrom (3)
266. Moonlight
267. Morning b
268. Mount Rai
269. Muscle Ca
270. Mushrooms
271. Mustang L
272. Narnia Da
273. Naruto Sh
274. NASA Hidd
275. NASA Spac
276. Natural G
277. Nature by
278. Netherlands
279. Nicole Do
280. Nightfall
281. Nordic La
282. North Isl
283. NYCitysca
284. Painted S
285. Panoramas
286. Panoramas (2)
287. Panoramas (3)
288. Panoramas (4)
289. Panoramic
290. Panoramic (10)
291. Panoramic (11)
292. Panoramic (12)
293. Panoramic (2)
294. Panoramic (3)
295. Panoramic (4)
296. Panoramic (5)
297. Panoramic (6)
298. Panoramic (7)
299. Panoramic (8)
300. Panoramic (9)
301. ParamountDynamic.theme
302. Party Ice
303. Perspecti
304. Perspecti (2)
305. Peru
306. Plants vs
307. Playful P
308. PNW Birds
309. Poland
310. Polar Bea
311. Polska Na
312. Polskie K
313. Polskie P
314. Porsche
315. Predatory
316. Predatory (2)
317. Puss In B
318. Queenstow
319. Rabbits
320. Rainbow o
321. Rainbows
322. Raindrops
323. Raindrops (2)
324. Rango
325. Ravens an
326. Recursion
327. Reflectio
328. Refresh E
329. Relics of
330. Rio Movie
331. Roses
332. Russia
333. RYSE
334. Sailing
335. Salt Lake
336. Saplings
337. Sardinian
338. Scenes fr
339. Scenic Eu
340. Scenic Eu (2)
341. Schleswig
342. Seasons b
343. Shadowbox
344. Shadowbox (2)
345. Shamrocks
346. Shrek
347. Sierra Su
348. Sights of
349. Sky.theme
350. Sleepy Ki
351. Small Bir
352. Small Wor
353. Snakes
354. Snow Ange
355. Snow Spor
356. Snowflake
357. Snowmen
358. Snowy Nig
359. Snowy Owl
360. South Africa
361. South Ind
362. Southwest
363. Spain
364. Spectacul
365. Spiekeroo
366. Spring Bl
367. Spring Bl (2)
368. Sri Lanka
369. Srpska pr
370. Subtle De
371. Sugar and
372. Summer Bl
373. Summit on
374. Sunny Sho
375. Super Pro
376. Surfing
377. Surreal T
378. Swedish A
379. Swedish S
380. Swedish S (2)
381. Swedish W
382. Taiwan
383. Terra.theme
384. Thailand
385. The Beaut
386. The Fores
387. The Great
388. The Gunst
389. The Milky
390. Ticket to
391. Tigers
392. Transform
393. TrickOrTr
394. Tulip Fes
395. Turkey
396. Twinkle W
397. Ubisoft C
398. UK
399. United States
400. US.theme
401. V8 Superc
402. Valentine
403. Watch_Dog
404. Waterdrop
405. Waterfall
406. Waterscap
407. Webs & Wa
408. West Coas
409. Wieliczka
410. Wild Beau
411. Windows L
412. Winter
413. Winter Ga
414. Wintry We
415. Wolves by
416. Year of t
417. ZA.theme
418. Zagreb Ni
419. Zune Char
420. Zune Elem
421. Ceska zim
422. Ceske jar
423. Colors of India
424. Bicycle Ride around Taiwan
425. Lake Jiaming
426. AnHsinPuTzu
428. Bake House
429. Bing China
430. Bing China New Year
431. Bing China 2
432. Imagination
433. Cherry Blossoms
434. Daydream
435. Green Island
436. NengGao Mountain
437. A New Year Celebration
438. 26Creative
439. Choobies
440. Syue Mountain
441. Aqua
442. AU
443. BingAerial
444. BingAerialEurope
445. BingDynamic1
446. CA
447. EverydayArt
448. Fauna
449. Flora
450. GB
451. Insects
452. ParamountDynamic
453. Sky
454. Terra
455. US
456. ZA
457. RU
2. A Book of
3. Abstracts
4. Abstracts (2)
5. African W
6. Age Of Em
7. Akrapovic
8. Akrapovic (2)
9. Alan Wake
10. Alaskan L
11. Ancient E
12. Angry Bir
13. Animal Af
14. Antarctic
15. Aqua.theme
16. Arctic
17. Asus & In
18. ASUS & In (2)
19. AU.theme
20. Auckland'
21. Aurora Bo
22. Austin Bo
23. Australia
24. Australia (2)
25. Australia (3)
26. Autumn Bo
27. Autumn Co
28. Avatar
29. Beach Sun
30. Beautiful
31. Beautiful (2)
32. Beautiful (3)
33. Beauty of
34. Beauty of (2)
35. Beauty of (3)
36. Beauty of (4)
37. Bees by M
38. Best of B
39. Best of B (2)
40. Best of B (3)
41. Best of B (4)
42. Best of B (5)
43. Bing Eart
44. Bing Maps
45. Bing Maps (2)
46. Bing China Dragon Year
47. Bing's Be
48. Bing's Be (2)
49. Bing's Be (3)
50. BingAerial.theme
51. BingAerialEurope.theme
52. BingDynamic1.theme
53. Blue Wate
54. Botanical
55. Brazil
56. Bubbles
57. Bullet As
58. Butterfli
59. Butterfli (2)
60. Butterfli (3)
61. CA.theme
62. Calligrap
63. Canada
64. Candlelig
65. Captain A
66. Caribbean
67. Castles o
68. CatsAnytime
69. CatsEverywhere
70. Cheng Lin
71. Cheng Lin (2)
72. ChickensC
73. China
74. Chinese Z
75. Chocolate
76. City Ligh
77. Classic A
78. Classic M
79. Classic S
80. Clouds
81. cmd.exe
82. Coastal G
83. Coastal P
84. Cobblesto
85. Color Spl
86. Colors of
87. Community
88. Community (10)
89. Community (11)
90. Community (12)
91. Community (13)
92. Community (14)
93. Community (15)
94. Community (16)
95. Community (17)
96. Community (18)
97. Community (19)
98. Community (2)
99. Community (20)
100. Community (21)
101. Community (22)
102. Community (23)
103. Community (24)
104. Community (3)
105. Community (4)
106. Community (5)
107. Community (6)
108. Community (7)
109. Community (8)
110. Community (9)
111. Cougar Mo
112. Creepy Co
113. Danube Su
114. Dark Skie
115. Decking t
116. Decorated
117. Decoratin
118. Delectabl
119. Diffusion
120. Dima Bila
121. Disney In
122. DogsInSummer
123. DogsInWinter
124. Dolphins
125. Dragonfli
126. Dreamgard
127. Ducati
128. Ducati 2
129. Ducklings
130. Dusk & Da
131. Dusk & Da (2)
133. Echoes of
134. Eerie Aut
135. Escape by
136. EverydayArt.theme
137. Exploring
138. Fable Ann
139. Fantastic
140. Fauna.theme
141. Feather P
142. Ferrari
143. Fire by M
144. Fireworks
145. Fischland
146. Fish
147. Flora.theme
148. Floral Ge
149. Flowers &
150. Footpaths
151. Forests
152. Forza Mot
153. Foxes
154. Fractal A
155. France
156. French Ri
157. Fresh Fru
158. Frost Mac
159. Frozen Fo
160. Fruit Nin
161. Fun Fruit
162. Furry Fam
163. Futuristi
164. Galapagos
165. Garden Gl
166. Garden Gl (2)
167. Garden Gl (3)
168. Garden Gl (4)
169. Garden Li
170. Garden Li (2)
171. Garden Li (3)
172. Garden Ma
173. Garden Se
174. GB.theme
175. Gears
176. Gears 2
177. Gears 3
178. Gears 3 d
179. Gears 3 Delta
180. Gears 3 Launch
181. German La
182. German La (2)
183. German Su
184. Germany
185. Ghost Tow
186. Girls Roc
187. Giving He
188. Glowing B
189. Green Wor
190. Greg Stra
191. Grow by A
192. GTGraphic
193. GTGraphic (2)
194. GTGraphic (3)
195. Halo 4 He
196. Halo Reac
197. Halo Reac (2)
198. Happiness
199. Harry Pot
200. Harvest T
201. Hawaii
202. Holiday L
203. Hong Kong
204. Hopes and
205. Horses
206. Hot Air B
207. Hummingbi
208. Ice Castl
209. Iceland
210. Icewater
211. Illusions
212. India
213. Indian Ga
214. Indian Wi
215. Infiniti
216. Insects.theme
217. Ireland
218. Isle of M
219. Italy
220. Jack Reac
221. Japan
222. Jellyfish
223. Justin Bi
224. Kim Hana
225. Kinect Di
226. Kinect Ru
227. Korea
228. Kung Fu P
229. Lake Ohri
230. Large and
231. Large Bir
232. Latvian L
233. Latvian N
234. LIFE
235. Life in L
236. Light and
237. Light and (2)
238. Light Pai
239. Lighthous
240. Lightning
241. Liquid Je
242. Liquid Je (2)
243. list.txt
244. London Ar
245. Lovebirds
246. Lovely Tu
247. Lugares C
248. Mabinogi
249. Macro Wor
250. Maddalena
251. Magic Lan
252. Magic Lan (2)
253. MapleStor
254. Marbles
255. Masquerad
257. Mexico
258. Microsoft
259. Microsoft (2)
260. Mission I
261. Misty Mor
262. Moments C
263. Monochrom
264. Monochrom (2)
265. Monochrom (3)
266. Moonlight
267. Morning b
268. Mount Rai
269. Muscle Ca
270. Mushrooms
271. Mustang L
272. Narnia Da
273. Naruto Sh
274. NASA Hidd
275. NASA Spac
276. Natural G
277. Nature by
278. Netherlands
279. Nicole Do
280. Nightfall
281. Nordic La
282. North Isl
283. NYCitysca
284. Painted S
285. Panoramas
286. Panoramas (2)
287. Panoramas (3)
288. Panoramas (4)
289. Panoramic
290. Panoramic (10)
291. Panoramic (11)
292. Panoramic (12)
293. Panoramic (2)
294. Panoramic (3)
295. Panoramic (4)
296. Panoramic (5)
297. Panoramic (6)
298. Panoramic (7)
299. Panoramic (8)
300. Panoramic (9)
301. ParamountDynamic.theme
302. Party Ice
303. Perspecti
304. Perspecti (2)
305. Peru
306. Plants vs
307. Playful P
308. PNW Birds
309. Poland
310. Polar Bea
311. Polska Na
312. Polskie K
313. Polskie P
314. Porsche
315. Predatory
316. Predatory (2)
317. Puss In B
318. Queenstow
319. Rabbits
320. Rainbow o
321. Rainbows
322. Raindrops
323. Raindrops (2)
324. Rango
325. Ravens an
326. Recursion
327. Reflectio
328. Refresh E
329. Relics of
330. Rio Movie
331. Roses
332. Russia
333. RYSE
334. Sailing
335. Salt Lake
336. Saplings
337. Sardinian
338. Scenes fr
339. Scenic Eu
340. Scenic Eu (2)
341. Schleswig
342. Seasons b
343. Shadowbox
344. Shadowbox (2)
345. Shamrocks
346. Shrek
347. Sierra Su
348. Sights of
349. Sky.theme
350. Sleepy Ki
351. Small Bir
352. Small Wor
353. Snakes
354. Snow Ange
355. Snow Spor
356. Snowflake
357. Snowmen
358. Snowy Nig
359. Snowy Owl
360. South Africa
361. South Ind
362. Southwest
363. Spain
364. Spectacul
365. Spiekeroo
366. Spring Bl
367. Spring Bl (2)
368. Sri Lanka
369. Srpska pr
370. Subtle De
371. Sugar and
372. Summer Bl
373. Summit on
374. Sunny Sho
375. Super Pro
376. Surfing
377. Surreal T
378. Swedish A
379. Swedish S
380. Swedish S (2)
381. Swedish W
382. Taiwan
383. Terra.theme
384. Thailand
385. The Beaut
386. The Fores
387. The Great
388. The Gunst
389. The Milky
390. Ticket to
391. Tigers
392. Transform
393. TrickOrTr
394. Tulip Fes
395. Turkey
396. Twinkle W
397. Ubisoft C
398. UK
399. United States
400. US.theme
401. V8 Superc
402. Valentine
403. Watch_Dog
404. Waterdrop
405. Waterfall
406. Waterscap
407. Webs & Wa
408. West Coas
409. Wieliczka
410. Wild Beau
411. Windows L
412. Winter
413. Winter Ga
414. Wintry We
415. Wolves by
416. Year of t
417. ZA.theme
418. Zagreb Ni
419. Zune Char
420. Zune Elem
421. Ceska zim
422. Ceske jar
423. Colors of India
424. Bicycle Ride around Taiwan
425. Lake Jiaming
426. AnHsinPuTzu
428. Bake House
429. Bing China
430. Bing China New Year
431. Bing China 2
432. Imagination
433. Cherry Blossoms
434. Daydream
435. Green Island
436. NengGao Mountain
437. A New Year Celebration
438. 26Creative
439. Choobies
440. Syue Mountain
441. Aqua
442. AU
443. BingAerial
444. BingAerialEurope
445. BingDynamic1
446. CA
447. EverydayArt
448. Fauna
449. Flora
450. GB
451. Insects
452. ParamountDynamic
453. Sky
454. Terra
455. US
456. ZA
457. RU

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Все официальные темы windows из сайта Microsoft [26.07.2015 / MULTi / RUS]
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