Warcraft III Reign of Chaos & The Frozen Throne Expansion v.1.24

Denumire: Warcraft III Reign of Chaos & The Frozen Throne Expansion v.1.24
Gen: Real-Time Strategy(RTS)
An: 2002-2009
Limba: English
Versiune: 1.24
Licenţă: Repack
Size: GB 1.05
Hardware minim:
Windows® 98/ME/2000/XP: , 400 processor, 128 MB of RAM , 8 MB 3D video card with DirectX® 8.1 support , 1200 MB HD space, access to Battle.net, requires a low-latency, active Internet connection rated at 28.8 Kbps or faster, multiplayer games played over a LAN require an active connection to a TCP/IP network
Hardware recomandat: 600 MHz processor or better, 256 MB of RAM, 32 MB 3D video card , DirectX® 8.1 or higher compatible sound card
Despre joc:
Warcraft III The Reign of Chaos
It has been nearly fifteen years since the war between the orcs and humans ended. An uneasy peace settled over the land while, for years, the drums of war were silent. Yet the kingdoms of men grew complacent in their victory - and slowly, the defeated orcish clans regrouped under the banner of a new visionary leader.
Now a darker shadow has fallen over the world, threatening to extinguish all life - all hope. The drums of war play upon the winds once again - rising urgently towards the inevitable hour when the skies will rain fire - and the world will tremble before the coming of the Burning Legion.
The Day of Judgment has come...Four Unique Races
Armed with distinctive units, magical abilities and weapons of war, the Orcs, Humans, Undead and Night Elves clash in their renewed struggle for dominance.
Two New Nations of Warriors
The Warcraft universe grows with the introduction of two new races for players to control.
The Night Elves are mysterious, shadowy beings and are one of the eldest races of the world. They have emerged from centuries of seclusion to defend the world from the coming apocalypse.
The Undead is a plague-ridden army known as the Scourge that has come from the frozen wastelands of the North to topple civilization in its darkest hour.
A World in 3 Dimensions
Blizzard is powering Warcraft III with its own 3D engine, providing a fully interactive world that incorporates non-player characters, wandering monsters, neutral towns, strongholds and temples, and environmental effects.
Multiplayer Mayhem
Expanded multiplayer options over Battle.net® with up to 12 players per game, multiple game types (including team play and questing) and new game matching and tournament options.
High Resolution Support
Warcraft III offers support for multiple resolutions and will take advantage of many features included with the latest 3D cards while supporting as broad a range of older cards as possible.
Legendary Heroes
Legendary Heroes lead powerful armies while they complete quests, gain experience and acquire special items. As the core of each race's force, Heroes have the ability to advance in levels, learn new spells and abilities and confer special benefits to nearby units.
Special Items and Equipment
Legendary Heroes can carry up to six special items in a small inventory. The items can turn the tide of battle as they grant the Hero the ability to cast offensive and defensive spells, heal units, utilize special abilities or gain bonuses to specific statistics.
Neutral Buildings
Several types of Neutral Buildings exist, each with a different function. From selling Hero Items, hiring out Mercenaries, to healing nearby units of hit points, these structures confer a wide variety of strategies and surprises for even the most veteran of players.
Neutral Units
There are numerous Neutral Units - known as Creeps and Critters - that inhabit the world of Azeroth. Creeps are hostile units that relinquish Gold when killed and sometimes guard valuable resources or Neutral Buildings. Critters are friendly neutral units such as sheep or seals.
Huge Spell-casting System
Many types of spells are available to the clever player, including Offensive spells, Defensive spells, Counter spells, Autocast spells that are cast automatically, Auras, and the extremely potent Ultimate spells.
New Multiplayer Features
• Shared unit control between players
• Trading of resources between players
• Choice of army color
• Observation mode
• Ability to ally with computer players
Improved Battle.net Features
• New ladders including Random Team, 1 vs. 1, 2 vs. 2, 3 vs. 3, and 4 vs. 4
• Anonymous matchmaking for games
• Improved ladders that prevent "win trading"
• Separate name space for Warcraft III on Battle.net allows players to obtain new account names without conflicting with those in previous games
• Improved clan support with levels of membership, home clan channels and clan ladders (coming soon)
Advanced World Editor
Advanced world design tools allow players to customize many aspects of the game including tile sets, character art, quests, mission objectives, unit types, AI, attributes, special abilities and spells.

This torrent contains a repack of the licensed CD's of Warcraft III Reign of Chaos and of The Frozen Throne expansion set, already patched until version 1.23a (inclusive).
Everything is kept; video files maintain their original resolution
Language - only English
Possibility to play on the battle.net servers (playground.ru) - run the launcher from your desktop or from the start menu group
• Mount the image in you Daemon or Alcohol virtual drive (an autorun will be launched)
• Select the “Install Game” option
• Choose the destination location for installation (this will install the 1.23 version of the game)
• The Exit window of the installer will give you the opportunity to: launch the game, to upgrade the game to v 1.24 and to add servers for battle.net (check this parameter if you intend to play on battle.net, and don’t forget to answer yes on the question of adding new strings in your registry).
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Warcraft III Reign of Chaos & The Frozen Throne Expansion v.1.24
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