Год выпуска: 2013
Жанр: Indie, Indie-horror, Survival horror, Horror
Разработчик / Издательство: Blue Isle Studios / Parsec Productions
Платформа: PC
Версия: 1.5
Тип издания: Пиратка
Язык интерфейса: Английский (перевод не требуется)
Таблэтка: Вшита (John2s)Размер 864.55 MB> ОС: Windows XP / Vista / 7
> Процессор: Quad Core Intel / AMD
> Оперативная память: 3ГБ
> Видеокарта: GeForce 260 1ГБ / Radeon HD 4850
> Жёсткий диск: 2ГБ свободного места
> Звуковая карта: любая совместимая с DirectX9.0cSlender: The Arrival — является профессиональным ремейком Slender: The Eight Pages. Игроку предстоит выяснить, что произошло с подругой главной героини, остерегаясь встречи со Слендером, персонажем в виде тощего, безликого мужчины огромного роста с щупальцами. Всё происходящее игрок видит через видеокамеру. В арсенале присутствует только фонарик.Большая часть игры происходит в заброшенных районах (дом, несуществующая шахта и т.д.), в каждом с различными целями. Slender: The Arrival использует подобную механику из своего предшественника, Slender: The Eight Pages. Персонаж вооружён только фонариком. Эта ограниченная защита вызывает чувство беспомощности, из-за этого, лучший способ выжить в игре, убегать при опасности. При приближении Слендера атмосфера паники добавляется сильными помехами камеры, когда при критичной ситуации изображение вообще сложно разглядеть, что заставляет игрока бежать в случайном направлении в большинстве случаев. Как и в прошлой части основным принципом игры является каноничное «Не останавливайся, не оборачивайся». В этом Слендер всегда был похож на принцип Amnesia и Penumbra, где персонаж так же не может сражаться с монстрами и так же имеет при себе только фонарик или лампу. Но в отличие от тех двух, игрока лишают способности спрятаться и отсидеться ввиду как правило открытого и замкнутого пространства. Вся игра состоит из шести глав + секретная, и имеет несколько вариантов концовок.
Version 1.5:
- Steam version of the game delves deeper into the story, and features brand new twists and extended content.
Version 1.4:
- Added Beta Oculus Rift support. This can be toggled from the graphics menu. We suggest calibrating drift with the oculus SDK before playing.
- Added Controller support (controller must be connected before game is launched).
- Fixed a bug that would occasionally cause a crash when loading the first level.
- Optimized and reduced the size of the final game build.
- Radically optimized trees and terrain performance.
- Fixed a bug where the highlighting system would consume a lot of resources drawing unnecessary objects.
- Shadows now cost dramatically less.
- Game resolution and control bindings are now set in a pre-game launch menu. This is to prevent players from choosing a resolution that doesn’t work with their screen (rare) and having easy way to reset it.
- Flashlight comes on in some dark locations automatically.
- Fixed an issue where the game would not be able to connect to the license server.
- Fixed an issue where easy mode was sometimes not properly toggling in the forest.
- Fixed an issue which would cause SM to occasionally instantly kill the player.
Version 1.3:
- Added a renovated version of Slender: The Eight Pages("GENESIS") to the scene selection menu.
- Added an ‘Easy’ difficulty to the game in order to aid players struggling to progress.
- Level ‘Into the Abyss’ Chaser cannot kill you, only slow you down.
- Will proceed in the level ‘The Eight Pages’ even if player has only acquired 6 pages.
- Added text notifying players about the ability to focus the flashlight.
- Fixed a bug where ‘Into the Abyss’ was not always properly indicating completion.
- Fixed a bug where the ‘Q’ key was not able to bind correctly.
- Fixed a bug where the player could escape the level ‘Into the Abyss’.
- Fixed a bug where the gamma slider would not always properly report gamma.
- Fixed a problem where bottoms of tees could be seen in the level ‘The Arrival’.
- Improved performance when not drawing shadows.
- Reduced the occurrences where SM can be caught floating.
Version 1.2:
- Fixed a problem where collision was missing on some spots on the elevator causing the player to fall through the level.
- Fixed a problem with the elevator where crouching could cause the player to fall through the level.
- Fixed a problem where the chaser could attack the player vertically.
- Fixed a problem on Mac where pages would occasionally not disappear after being clicked.
- Fixed an issue where SM would clip into the brick walls on Flashback.
- Added support to doors for mice with low sensitivity.
- Added version information to the bottom right corner of the game menu.
Version 1.1:
- Improved the patching system so that it can deliver larger updates to a wider audience.
- Fixed a bug in 'Flashback' which would often leave the player unable to progress.
- Fixed a bug in 'Into the Abyss' where retrying would cause the player to be unable to pause.
- Fixed a bug in 'Flashback' where pausing during the opening sequence would sometimes break the cutscene.
Version 0.17:
- Motion blur now has a ’Low’ setting and can be turned off entirely.
- Turning off shadows has additional performance improvements added.
- Added a “Shader Quality” setting to the graphics menu.
- Fixed a bug which caused Slender’s distortion to create a black square around him.
- The player now loses sanity when partially obscured behind landmarks.
- Fixed a bug where pressing the flashlight button continuously would invert the on-off functionality.
- Fixed a bug where bringing out your flashlight while zoomed would not have the hand in the correct position.
- Added an ability to cancel “Waiting for Updates” via the Esc key.
- Toned down the camera shake in more extreme situations.
- Increased the volume of the initial page 1 music.
Комментарии (2)